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Real-time decision-making aid for substance releases and hazardous incident management

However carefully dangerous goods are produced, stored and transported, it is always possible for substance releases, accidents or even hazardous incidents to occur. In the light of their responsibility for humans and the environment, fire services, industry and supervisory authorities must be prepared for such emergencies with appropriate emergency response planning, trained personnel and efficient information processing.

Reliable and rapid diagnoses of and predictions about the course of the event are the prerequisite for effective countermeasures. COMPAS shows in real time which areas are affected and what developments are to be expected. The results are immediately usable in the decision-making process and provide valuable assistance providing the public with sound and well targeted information. COMPAS requires only a minimum of manual inputs and is simple to operate. Its clear, menu-driven interface means it can be reliably operated even in the hectic atmosphere of an incident.

COMPAS is available in a basic version and in two different expansion levels. All versions of COMPAS take account of release modelling, the integration of pollution measurements, source term recalculation, heavy gas modelling and online processing of meteorological measurement data. The versions differ with regard to propagation modelling and the different expansion levels of COMPAS can be installed on a single system. The modular software design can be quickly and inexpensively adapted to future developments and can operate both in a mobile setting in a measurement vehicle and statically connected to a control centre.

COMPAS runs on conventional commercial PCs. A standard up-to-date PC is sufficient to meet requirements.

Further current information can be found in our product datasheet or by getting directly into contact with us.

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