The Radiation Protection Act distinguishes between artificially produced radioactive substances, which occur, for example, in connection with nuclear energy or medical applications, and materials with naturally occurring radioactivity (NORM) from industrial processes (e.g. mining, geothermal energy, oil and gas extraction).
The law sets specific rules and requirements for the protection of the public and of workers from naturally occurring radioactivity. These regulations cover both situations where the handling of NORM is part of the planned industrial activity as well as those where NORM is already inadvertently present (e.g., NORM in food, water, and building materials).

Scales inside a water pipe
We provide comprehensive support enabling you to comply fully with the Regulations, including
- Preparation of radiation management concepts for employees
- Radiation dose assessments of the public and of employees
- Management and expert supervision of remediation measures
- Preparation of concepts for the elimination of NORM
- Performance of the tasks of a radiation protection officer
- Preparation of building material and transport certificates